
The answer, while

  You’re doing the same thing in your own life. You’re pouring 90% of your effort into your work and coming away completely exhausted. Of course everything else suffers. How it Got This Way Have you ever asked how things got this way? The answer, while it might not be very pleasant, ultimately comes down to fear and indoctrination. It’s fear because we are driven so often by a fear of our partners leaving us. By a fear of debt. By a fear of not being able to put a deposit on a house. Of being single in our 40s and missing the boat to have children. This means that you are motivated by the stick rather than the carrot. You are focused on running away from all the things you don’t want, rather than toward all the things you do want. And this really isn’t helped by the media and by the way we’re brought up. This is where the whole ‘indoctrination’ part comes in. I’m not a conspiracy theorist. I’m not here to tell you that this is a deliberate move on the part of the government or any su